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Zabawy z tuningowaniem mysql
Od pewnego czasu zastanawiam się czy pod basoofkę potrzebny jest aż tak duży (i drogi) serwer. Chętnie wymieniłbym go na zwykły hosting, nad którym czuwa jakiś kompetentny admin. Przyzwyczaiłem się w sumie, że linuksa nigdy nie poznam tak głęboko, aby siłą woli zmieniać konfig Apache i MySQL. No ale zmiana hostingu to nie kaszka z mleczkiem, zatem na początek spróbuję zasięgnąć porady:
ciekaw jestem czy spoglądając w statystyki Webalizer -
oraz mając dane z MySQL Tunera oraz pliku my.cnf (oba poniżej) ktoś by coś mógł doradzić? Ja niestety niewiele kumam z tego wszystkiego:
Uptime in seconds: 3828771
Uptime: 44d 7h 32m 51s
Questions: 426514672
% slow queries: 0.159734715996
slow query rate: 0.00360457166596 per day
Long query time: 3
Slow query logging: ON
% reads: 88.2076593477
% writes: 11.7923406523
qps: 111.397279179
reads per sec: 0.0199049297219 per day
writes per sec: 0.00266105816294 per day
Queries: 111.397279179 per second
Connections: 1 Million
Bytes sent: 2 Billion
Bytes received: 2 Billion
Supported Version: 5
Release Series: 5.0
version less then 5.1, upgrade!
(substr("version",0,3) ne "5.1")
(substr("5.0.51a-24+lenny3-log",0,3) '5.0' !== "5.1")
Minor Version: 51
Distribution: (Debian)
Distribution: (Debian)
MySQL Architecture: i486
MySQL is not compiled as a 64-bit package.
("version_compile_machine" !~ /64/)
("i486" dbtuner_strnistr('i486 ', array('64')))
Query cache
Query cache efficiency (%): 75.3804166758
% query cache used: 43.8676595688
The query cache is not being fully utilized.
(Qcache_free_memory / query_cache_size * 100 <80)
(14719544 / 33554432 * 100 43.8676595688<80)
Query cache low memory prunes: 12.9738012537 per second
Increase query_cache_size -- there are too many low memory prunes.
(&hr_bytime(Qcache_lowmem_prunes/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(49673714/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('12.9738012537 per second', array('second', 'minute')))
Query cache size: 32.0 Mb
Query cache min result size: 8.0 Mb
Total sorts: 20249445
% sorts that cause temporary tables: 0.0339169789592
rate of sorts that cause temporary tables: 6.45763353306 per hour
sort_buffer_size: 2.0 Mb
read_rnd_buffer_size: 256.0 Kb
Sort rows: 232.052340294 per second
There are lots of rows being sorted. Consider using indexes in more queries to avoid sorting too often.
(&hr_bytime(Sort_rows/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(888475271/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('232.052340294 per second', array('second', 'minute')))
rate of joins without indexes: 10.1494448219 per minute
There are too many joins without indexes -- this means that joins are doing full table scans.
(&hr_bytime((Select_range_check + Select_scan + Select_full_join)/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime((0 + 647665 + 0)/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('10.1494448219 per minute', array('second', 'minute')))
rate of reading first index entry: 1.06467897923 per second
The rate of reading the first index entry is high; this usually indicates frequent full index scans.
(&hr_bytime(Handler_read_first/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(4076412/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('1.06467897923 per second', array('second', 'minute')))
rate of reading fixed position: 209.262576947 per second
The rate of reading data from a fixed position is high; this indicates many queries need to sort results and/or do a full table scan, including join queries that do not use indexes.
(&hr_bytime(Handler_read_rnd/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(801218486/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('209.262576947 per second', array('second', 'minute')))
rate of reading next table row: 503.231692885 per second
The rate of reading the next table row is high; this indicates many queries are doing full table scans.
(&hr_bytime(Handler_read_rnd_next/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(1926758912/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('503.231692885 per second', array('second', 'minute')))
temp tables
tmp_table_size-max_heap_table_size: 16777216
tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_size are not the same.
(tmp_table_size-max_heap_table_size !=0)
(33554432-16777216 16777216!=0)
tmp_table_size: 32.0 Mb
max_heap_table_size: 16.0 Mb
% temp disk tables: 14.9096252394
temp disk rate: 44.9003766483 per minute
Too many temporary tables are being written to disk. Increase max_heap_table_size and tmp_table_size.
(&hr_bytime(Created_tmp_disk_tables/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(2865221/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('44.9003766483 per minute', array('second', 'minute')))
temp table rate: 4.27083155404 per second
Too many intermediate temporary tables are being created; consider increasing sort_buffer_size (sorting), read_rnd_buffer_size (random read buffer, ie, post-sort), read_buffer_size (sequential scan).
(&hr_bytime(Created_tmp_tables/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(16352036/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('4.27083155404 per second', array('second', 'minute')))
MyISAM index cache
MyISAM key buffer size: 32.0 Mb
max % MyISAM key buffer ever used: 88.4857177734
MyISAM key buffer (index cache) % used is low. You may need to decrease the size of key_buffer_size, re-examine your tables to see if indexes have been removed, or examine queries and expectations about what indexes are being used.
((Key_blocks_used)*key_cache_block_size/key_buffer_size * 100 <95)
((28995)*1024/33554432 * 100 88.4857177734<95)
% MyISAM key buffer used: 58.7066650391
MyISAM key buffer (index cache) % used is low. You may need to decrease the size of key_buffer_size, re-examine your tables to see if indexes have been removed, or examine queries and expectations about what indexes are being used.
((1-Key_blocks_unused*key_cache_block_size/key_buffer_size) * 100 <95)
((1-13531*1024/33554432) * 100 58.7066650391<95)
% index reads from memory: 99.9697494911
other caches
table open cache size (5.1+): table_open_cache
Size of the table cache
(table_open_cache >-1)
(table_open_cache table_open_cache>-1)
rate of table open: 27.4787914973 per hour
% open files: 9.44010416667
rate of open files: 13.0882729732 per day
Immediate table locks %: 99.9508790235
Table lock wait rate: 1.14917293304 per minute
Too many table locks were not granted immediately. Optimize queries and/or use InnoDB to reduce lock wait.
(&hr_bytime(Table_locks_waited/Uptime_since_flush_status) =~ /second|minute/)
(dbtuner_hr_bytime(73332/3828771) dbtuner_stristr('1.14917293304 per minute', array('second', 'minute')))
thread cache: 64
Total threads created: 86
thread cache hit rate %: 4.7972733637E-5
Threads that are slow to launch: 3
There are too many threads that are slow to launch
(Slow_launch_threads >0)
(3 3>0)
Slow launch time: 2
% connections used: 52.6666666667
Max connections used: 79
Max connections limit: 150
% aborted connections: 0.00345849940174
rate of aborted connections: 1.39909124886 per day
% aborted clients: 0
rate of aborted clients: 0 per day
Is InnoDB enabled?: YES
% innoDB log size: 62.5
InnoDB log file size is not an appropriate size, in relation to the InnoDB buffer pool. Consider changing eitherninnodb_log_file_size or innodb_buffer_pool_size
(innodb_log_file_size / innodb_buffer_pool_size * 100 >=0)
(5242880 / 8388608 * 100 62.5>=0)
MyISAM concurrent inserts: 1
# The MySQL database server configuration file.
port = 3306
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
nice = 0
user = mysql
pid-file = /var/run/mysqld/
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port = 3306
basedir = /usr
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir = /tmp
language = /usr/share/mysql/english
table_cache = 1500
old_passwords = 1
bind-address =
key_buffer = 16M
key_buffer_size = 32M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
thread_stack = 128K
thread_cache_size = 64
query_cache_limit = 8M
query_cache_size = 32M
query_cache_type = 1
join_buffer_size = 512K
max_connections = 150
log_slow_queries = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
long_query_time = 3
max_allowed_packet = 16M
#no-auto-rehash # faster start of mysql but no tab completition
key_buffer = 16M
key_buffer = 512M
sort_buffer = 16M
join_buffer_size = 16M
read_buffer_size = 8M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 12M
max_allowed_packet = 128M
table_cache = 6144
thread_stack = 512K
thread_cache_size = 384
wait_timeout = 80
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
tmp_table_size = 256M
binlog_cache_size = 65536
max_heap_table_size = 256M
tmp_table_size = 256M
thread_concurrency = 8
query_cache_limit = 3M
query_cache_size = 256M
query_cache_type = 1
Ja póki co zmieniam parę parametrów:
query_cache_size = 48M
max_heap_table_size = 512M
tmp_table_size = 512M
sort_buffer = 32M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 32M
read_buffer_size = 16M
max_connections = 70
restart i czekam parę dni na wyniki, przy okazji poczytam coś o indeksach i InnoDB, może coś poprawię.
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